another year...

Friday was the big 2-5 for me... nothing completely intriguing about being 25 really. Nothing fancy happens. 16 you get the drivers license, 18 you can vote, 21 you can buy alcohol, 25?

Well... you can start looking forward to 30... and insurance goes down a little.

My wife planned a great little get-together on Friday with some of our best of friends. You know, it's slightly strange to relocate to a new city, church, job, etc., and look around from year to year to see the new faces that enter your life with such change. With the exception of my best buddy T-Y and his lady friend Reags, and of course, the family, it was a great evening spending my birthday with these new friends.

So... (sorry to all my friends over 25, which is most of them... ha!), 25... 5 years away from 30. My wife is getting annoyed with me because of my little 'getting older' comments I keep making. I've been hitting the sack a little earlier... tonight, I looked down at my hands and said "Hey baby, are my hands starting to look old?".

Now, now... know that I'm paranoid for a 25 year old... gray hair scares me, no hair terrifies me, arthritis happens, but I don't want it... I have a feeling I'll be the 80 year old grandpa with a faux hawk and a very un-useful knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and design. Also know that when I complain about how I'm not sleeping in like I used to, and although 9AM for me on a Saturday sucks, most would love to sleep until 9... like the V's... sorry for that comment on Saturday night guys! :)

So another year has come and gone... 363 days until 26, which again, should prove to be uneventful in itself. However, this past year has been a very crazy/eventful year and turning 25 sets a monument for me to remember these events by. If anything that makes 2008 a great year, its that we've seen so much change and adversity within this last year... changing jobs, changing cities, buying a house, buying a car, changing positions and changing churches... as scary as all of these were, God totally took us and guided us through this year...


Dorynda said...

ha ha ha! you are forgiven! happy 25! glad we got to celebrate with some young pups!

Anonymous said...

25 eh? and boy i thought i was old because i was 24, you've got the jump on me i must say. Tate informed me that i did too much vector work. You are a really gifted photoshopper. Most clients really like that. So that is why i did not get hired. However, i am fine with that, because God has other plans for my life. Have a great day man!

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to offend you. I was just bummed when i wrote that post. I got over it, and i know you tried hard for me and i am very thankful for that. Your a good guy and a great friend because i hardly ever see you or talk to you, but you still put in a good word for me and i am very grateful!